Last month we released The Hate Tape. NARC magazine liked it so much they made it their demo of the month! How nice. One quote in particular makes me smile: “THIS BAND IS TEN THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN YOUR SHITTY BAND.” Nothing like brutal honesty, and who said good journalism is dead? We photo’d it, so you can read it here.
We’ve got a handful of new songs written. We’re playing them to perfection, and some of them have made it to the stage show if you caught our tour last month. We have no current plans to record, but the general idea is to stick them on a split with another band. Watch this large, vacant space.
Did you know we’ve now started to release an officially unofficial bootleg collection? Oh yes, you heard that shit right there. We’re recording gigs and putting them up for free download online, because who doesn’t like free shit? You can find them all on when they get added and more will be added as we gig more, fucking obv. Make sure to tag that shit as Muscle Punk.
Keep your eyes peeled for gigs in October. I heard a dirty rumour we might be playing with Hang the Bastard in Middlesbrough – but you never heard that from me.
- Bish