Monday, 16 January 2012

Misery Addict Are Fucking Dead

Some guy once said "all good things must come to an end". What he didn't say was that some bad ones do too. After two odd years, a fair few shows and some great fucking times we've decided to call it a day. It was by no means an easy decision but, sadly, as a unit we feel that it's time to move on and soil pastures new. Why? Well, sometimes things just reach their expirary date and in order to preserve whatever bit of integrity we had (trust us, it wasn't much!) we decided to bow out whilst we were still in the (albeit very small) lead of the Muscle Punks (it will take off as a genre one day- we promise!).  Yeah it might be a little emotional but, fuck me, for a band that essentially started out as a tacky Teesside riff on The Misfits we've had a fucking good run...

For all those that supported us, that came to shows, that loved us, that talked to us, bought shit of us etc: we thank you (all six of you...) from the deepest pits of our hearts. Seriously, shit like that really meant a lot to us. It's what made it all worthwhile as cheesy as it sounds.  For all those who hated us... Good 'cos we hated you too. In truth hate is too light a word. Some of you were and still are outright wankers. And your bands are shit too. And your fake poseur scene. And your stupid gay shoes. Hopefully you'll wake up one day and realise you're about as cool, different and as individual as the imbecile stood next to you. But, in a way, thanks too 'cos your outright cuntyness just made us play harder, faster, stronger and better (that sounds familiar...).

What's next? God knows. Two of our members have got another band on the go already. Any obsessive fan types should check 'em out. They're called Iced Earth or something like that... What was that? Oh, right- OUT? Sorry they're called ICED OUT. ICED OUT. Check 'em. As for the other two, they'll probably join a cult or something...

Anyway, keep us added and stuff. We're currently sorting out the bands estate and getting ready to stick everything we've recorded up for free download (a chilling notion but at least it's free!). Plus, you can still order stuff off of our bigcartel so you can fund our bassists crack habit. Oh and you'll need to be informed of the 30th Anniversary Tour when it happens.

See you in the funny papers, y'all.

Misery Addict


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